When saving your artwork, we require a PDF saved as PDF/X-1a. This can be found in the options panel as you export your PDF from your graphic or publishing package e.g. Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign.
Key points about PDF/X-1a:
Embedded Fonts and Images:
Ensures all fonts and images are embedded within the file, which guarantees no missing assets during the printing process.
CMYK & Spot Colours Only:
Only allows CMYK and spot colours, which is ideal for printing since most professional printers use these colour spaces. Please note that WTTB do not print spot colours, they are used as technical inks within the file itself, such as “Spot UV” “Cut” “Crease” etc.
No Transparency:
Flattens all transparencies, which is important to avoid rendering issues on older or simpler print devices
No Layers:
Removes layers, ensuring that the print job will not be affected by misinterpreted design elements.
Why it's safe:
PDF/X-1a is widely accepted and used in the printing industry for reliable and predictable results. This is because it disallows RGB colour and transparencies, which would otherwise cause issues with colour accuracy and output. In doing so, it ensures a smooth print process.
Best for:
Traditional print jobs where colour consistency and reliable reproduction are critical (brochures, magazines, books).
IMPORTANT: Avoid submitting files in other formats, such as JPEGs, PNGs or Word documents. |
Ensure it is of the highest resolution possible - the higher the resolution, the better the quality of the printed result.
NOTE: If you need any assistance converting your artwork into a PDF file, be sure to reach out to our customer support team. |